Zdravo! Welcome to the new episode of Learn Serbian Podcast! Today we have 11 short dialogues in 11 different situations. You can use these as an example of practical and basic communication when traveling to Serbia. You can learn how to communicate in a shop, how to ask for directions, how to order food in a restaurant and more! There is a transcript and english translation of dialogues on our website: www.serbianlanguagelessons.com Also, make sure to follow our Instagram page: @learn__serbian (Serbian Language Network). We are also on TikTok as serbian_language_network. Okay, ready? Let’s start! Idemo!
Na autobuskoj stanici
A: Dobar dan! Kada je sledeći autobus za Beograd?
B: Sledeći je u dva i trideset.
A: Da li je direktna linija, bez presedanja?
B: Da, ovo je direktna linija.
A: Dajte mi povratnu kartu molim Vas.
B: To je 1.280 dinara.
A: U redu.
B: Izvolite karte. Ovo je peronska karta, a ovo je karta za autobus. Vaš peron je broj 8, autobus kreće za petnaest minuta.
A: Hvala najlepše!
A: Good afternoon! When is the next bus to Belgrade?
B: The next one is at 14:30.
A: Is it a direct line, without connections (transfers)?
B: Yes, this is a direct line.
A: Give me a return ticket, please.
B: That’s 1,280 dinars.
A: Alright.
B: Here are your tickets. This is a platform entry ticket, and this is a bus ticket. Your platform is number 8, the bus leaves in 15 minutes.
A: Thank you kindly!
Na granici
A: Dobar dan, vaš pasoš molim.
B: Izvolite.
A: Koji je razlog dolaska?
B: Turistički.
A: Gde odsedate?
B: Hotel Prezident u Beogradu.
A: Koliko dugo ćete biti u Beogradu?
B: Dve nedelje.
A: Da li imate nešto da prijavite?
B: Ne.
A: Izvolite pasoš, uživajte u boravku.
A: Good afternoon, your passport, please.
B: Here you go.
A: What is the reason of visit?
B: Turistic.
A: Where are you staying?
B: Hotel President in Belgrade.
A: How long are you going to stay in Belgrade?
B: Two weeks.
A: Do you have something to report?
B: No.
A: Here is your passport, enjoy your stay.
Na ulici
A: Izvinite, molim vas. Treba mi mala pomoć
B: Kažite.
A: Ja sam stranac, pričam malo srpski. Izgubio sam se. Kako da dođem do centra grada?
B: A, to je daleko. Morate ići autobusom.
A: Gde mogu da čekam autobus?
B: Možete čekati pored one prodavnice. Treba da uđete u autobus broj 83.
A: U redu! Kako da kupim kartu za autobus?
B: Kartu možete kupiti na trafici ili kod vozača u autobusu.
A: Hvala najlepše!
B: Nema na čemu!
A: Excuse me, please. I need a little bit of help.
B: Go on.
A: I am a foreigner, I speak Serbian a little. I got lost. How do I get to the city centre?
B: Ah, that’s far away. You will have to go by bus.
A: Where can I wait for the bus?
B: You can wait in front of that shop. You need to enter a bus number 83.
A: Alright! How do I buy a bus ticket?
B: You can buy the ticket on the kiosk or from the driver in the bus.
A: Thank you kindly!
B: You’re welcome!
U pekari
A: Dobar dan, izvolite.
B: Dobar dan! Jedan veliki hleb i jednu pitu sa mesom.
A: U redu, da li je to sve?
B: Može i jedan mali jogur i krofnu sa čokoladom.
A: U redu, vaš račun je 362 dinara. Da li hoćete kesu?
B: Da, može kesa. Izvolite, imam samo hiljadu dinara.
A: Nema problema, izvolite kusur.
B: Hvala!
A: Prijatno!
A: Good afternoon, how can I help you?
B: Good afternoon! One big bread and one meat pie.
A: Alright, is that all?
B: One small yogurt and chocolate donut.
A: Alright, your bill is 362 dinars. Do you want a plastic bag?
B: Yes, I can take a bag. Here you go, I only have a thousand.
A: No problem, here is your change.
B: Thank you!
A: Have a nice day!
Kod doktora
A: Dobar dan, sedite.
B: Dobar dan doktore.
A: Šta je problem?
B: Imam temperaturu, boli me grlo i kijam.
A: U redu, otvorite usta da pogledamo grlo. Da, crveno je.
Da li imate glavobolju, vrtoglavicu?
B: Ne.
A: Da li pijete neke lekove, vitamine?
B: Ne, ništa.
A: Hajde da poslušamo pluća, okrenite se i podignite majicu.
Dišite duboko. U redu. Nije ništa ozbiljno, verovatno je sezonski grip. Napisaću Vam recept za vitamine i sirup za kašalj. Merite temperaturu svakog dana. Pijte dosta vode. Dođite ponovo ako se simpomi pogoršaju. Kontrola je za nedelju dana.
B: U redu, hvala doktore.
A: Good afternoon, sit please.
B: Good afternoon, doctor.
A: What is the problem?
A: Alright, open your mouth so we can see the throat. Yes, it’s red. Do you have headaches, dizziness?
B: No.
A: Do you take any medication, vitamins?
B: No, nothing.
A: Let’s take a look at your breathing (lungs), turn around and raise your shirt.
Breathe in deep. Alright. It’s nothing serious, probably a seasonal flu. I will write you a prescription for vitamins and coughing sirup. Check your body temperature every day. Drink a lot of water. Come again if symptoms get worse. The control check-up is in a week.
B: Alright, thank you doctor.
U kafiću
A: Dobar dan, izvolite.
B: Je l’ mogu da dobijem meni?
A: Naravno, izvolite.
B: Hvala! Može jedan duži espreso i hladna limunada.
A: Sa mlekom ili bez mleka?
B: Bez mleka i šećera.
A: Da li želite limunadu iz aparata ili ceđenu?
B: Ceđenu, bez šećera, sa ledom ako može.
A: Naravno, stiže odmah.
B: Hvala.
Malo kasnije
B: Izvinite, da li mogu da platim?
A: Keš ili kartica?
B: Keš!
A: Vaš račun je 320 dinara.
B: Izvolite. Zadržite kusur.
A: Hvala najlepše.
A: Good afternoon, may I take your order?
B: Can I get a menu?
A: Of course, here you go.
B: Thank you. I’ll take one double espresso and cold lemonade.
A: With or without milk?
B: Without milk and sugar.
A: Do you want lemonade from the machine or freshly squeezed?
B: Freshly squeezed, without sugar, with ice, if it’s possible.
A: Of course, comes right away.
B: Thank you.
Little bit later
B: Excuse me, can I pay?
A: Cash or card?
B: Cash!
A: Your bill is 320 dinars.
B: Here you go, keep the change.
A: Thank you kindly!
Na telefonu
A: Halo?
B: Ej, šta radiš?
A: O, gde si ti? Evo ništa, u Beogradu sam, pijem kafu. A ti?
B: Ja sam kod kuće, odmaram. Dugo se nismo videli pa sam hteo da se čujemo.
A: Da, da. Kako si, šta ima novo?
B: Dobro sam, nije loše, ne žalim se. Malo sam umoran od posla, ali šta ćeš. Šta ima novo kod tebe?
A: Ja sam dobila novi posao i danas mi je prvi dan na poslu.
B: Čuo sam, čestitam! Moramo da proslavimo!
A: Definitivno! Možemo večeras na večeru u restoranu.
B: Može!
A: Hello?
B: Hey, what are you doing?
A: Oh, look who it is! Nothing special, I’m in Belgrade, I’m drinking coffee, and you?
B: I’m at home, relaxing. We haven’t seen each other for a long time, so I wanted to hear from you.
A: Yes, yes. How are you, what’s new?
B: I’m good, not too bad, can’t complain. I'm a little bit tired from work. What’s new with you?
A: I started a new job and today is my first day at work!
B: So I’ve heard, congratulations! We have to celebrate!
A: Definitely! We can go for dinner at a restaurant tonight.
B: Sure!
A: Izvinite, da li znate gde se nalazi menjačnica?
B: Da, to je u bulevaru.
A: Kako da dođem tamo?
B: Idite peške pravo pored velikog parka sa fontanom, a onda skrenite u drugu ulicu levo kod one knjižare. Vidite onu knjižaru tamo?
A: Da, vidim!
B: Menjačnica je u toj ulici, sa leve stane, preko puta apoteke.
A: Hvala Vam!
A: Excuse me, do you know where the exchange office is located?
B: Yes, that’s in the boulevard.
A: How can I get there?
B: Go on foot, past the big park with a fountain, and then turn on the second street on the right, at that bookshop. You see that bookshop over there?
A: Yes, I see!
B: The exchange office is on that street, on the left side, across from the pharmacy.
A: Thank you!
U taksiju
A: Zdravo! Do Cetinjske ulice.
B: Koji broj?
A: Uf, ne znam, to je kod onog velikog parkinga.
B: Aha, znam, Cetinjska 15.
A: Da, tako je!
B: Da li ste prvi put u Beogradu?
A: Ne, ovo je drugi put.
B: Odakle ste, Vi ste stranac?
A: Da, ja sam iz Kanade.
B: Dobro pričate srpski!
A: Hvala, trudim se! Težak je jezik, ali učim svakog dana.
B: Da li imate porodicu ovde?
A: Da, imam tetku i teču. Moja majka je iz Srbije, iz Beograda.
A: Hello! To Cetinjska street.
B: What number?
A: Oof, I don’t know. It’s at that big parking lot.
B: Aha, I know! Cetinjska 15.
A: Yes, that’s it!
B: Are you in Belgrade for the first time?
A: No, this is the second time.
B: Where are you from? You’re a foreigner?
A: Yes, I’m from Canada.
B: You speak Serbian well!
A: Thank you, I try! It’s a hard language, but I study every day.
B: Do you have family here?
A: Yes I have an aunt and uncle. My mother is from Serbia, Belgrade.
U policijskoj stanici
A: Izvinite, potrebna mi je pomoć, ukrali su mi torbu.
B: U redu, samo polako. Gde se ovo dogodilo?
A: Desilo se u velikom parku u centru grada.
B: U koliko sati? Da li ste videli ko je ukrao torbu?
A: Oko jedanaest uveče. Nisam video nikoga, ali znam da ima kamera u parku.
B: U redu. Da li imate pasoš kod sebe? Prijavićemo krađu.
A: Imam. Izvolite.
B: Počećemo istragu i pozvaćemo Vas ako dobijemo neke novosti.
A: Hvala Vam!
A: Excuse me, I need help. They stole my bag!
B: Alright, let’s take it slow. Where did this happen?
A: It happened in the big park in the city center.
B: At what time? Did you see who stole the bag?
A: Around eleven at night. It didn’t see anybody, but I know there are cameras in the park.
B: Alright. Do you have a passport with you? We will report a theft.
A: I have. Here you go.
B: We will start an investigation and call you if we receive any news.
A: Thank you!
U restoranu
A: Izvinite, da li mogu da naručim?
B: Naravno, izvolite.
A: Ja ću Karađorđevu šniclu, a moja majka ćevape u somunu sa kajmakom. Moj brat ne jede meso, da li imate nešto vegetarijansko?
B: Imamo salate bez mesa i vegetarijansku picu.
A: Može onda jedna vegetarijanska pica.
B: U redu! Da li želite nešto da popijete dok čekate?
A: Može vino. Koje vino preporučujete?
B: Imamo lepo roze vino.
A: Može! Naručićemo dezert kasnije.
B: U redu. To je to?
A: To je to. Hvala.
A: Excuse me, can I order?
B: Of course, go ahead.
A: I will have Karađorđeva šnicla, and my mother will have ćevapi in somun with kajmak. My brother does not eat meat, do you have anything vegetarian?
B: We have salads without meat and vegetarian pizza.
A: One vegetarian pizza will do.
B: Alright! Do you wish to drink something while you wait?
A: We can have wine. Which wine do you recommend?
B: We have nice rose wine.
A: That works! We’ll order dessert later.
B: Alright. That’s it?
A: That’s it. Thank you.
That’s it! That’s all 11 dialogues. You can play them over and over if you want to practice your communication. You can also pause the audio recording and answer the questions yourself. Try acting out these situations on your own! Again, don’t forget to visit our website, where you can access free learning materials in form of tables of grammatical cases or useful vocabulary lists. Thank you for listening and see you very soon! Hvala, vidimo se!