Zdravo! Welcome to the new episode of “Learn Serbian Podcast”. I am your Serbian language tutor - Nikola. Today we are going to learn summer related vocabulary and see it in use in three different texts. Before we start the episode, make sure to visit our website: www.serbianlanguagelessons.com where you can find free materials for learning Serbian and also read the transcript of this episode. You can also subscribe to our newsletter and receive free exercises and discounts every month! Also, follow our Instagram page: @learn__serbian (Serbian Language Network) for more Serbian language content! We are currently working on something really big and exciting, so be the first one to find out what it is, and maybe get some free prizes as well! U redu, hajde da počnemo!

Let’s start with some summer and beach related vocabulary. I will read the words in English and Serbian and you can follow by reading the transcript.
summer - leto
sea - more
beach - plaža
sun - sunce
sun cream - krema za sunčanje
sunbathing - sunčanje
swim suit - kupaći (kostim, gaće, šorc)
pool - bazen
water - voda
fish - riba
seafood - morska hrana
sunset - zalazak sunca
sand - pesak
umbrella - suncobran
wave - talas
to swim - plivati, plivam
to dive/snorkle - roniti, ronim
to relax - odmarati, odmaram
to lie down - ležati, ležim
to have sunburn - izgoreti, izgorim
heat - vrućina
cold drink - hladno piće
ice cream - sladoled
sunglasses - naočare za sunce
shade - hlad
sunbed - ležaljka
snorkling mask - maska za ronjenje
summer vacation - letnji odmor
sand castle - zamak od peska
Now let’s implement these words in a text. Let’s start with the first text. Again, follow in the transcript as I read. The translation is included in the transcript after the text.
Moj Letnji Odmor u Crnoj Gori
Ćao svima! Želim da vam ispričam o mom letnjem odmoru u Crnoj Gori. Bio sam nekoliko dana u Budvi i još par dana u Kotoru. Oba grada su jako lepa! Budva ima jako dobar noćni život. Mnogo mladih preko dana pliva u moru, a uveče ide u klubove Proveo sam divno vreme na moru. Svaki dan išao sam na plažu. Voleo sam da ležim na pesku i sunčam se. Uvek sam nosio naočare za sunce i koristio kremu za sunčanje. Vrućina je bila velika, pa sam često plivao u moru da se rashladim. Kotor je stari grad u zalivu. Ima mnogo malih starih ulica i mnogo mačaka! Jednog dana, odlučio sam da ronim. Stavio sam masku za ronjenje i krenuo u vodu. Video sam mnogo riba i talase. Bilo je predivno! Kada nisam bio na plaži, išao sam do bazena. U bazenu sam plivao i odmarao se. Voda je bila hladna i osvežavajuća. Pored bazena, uvek sam imao hladno piće i sladoled. Na plaži sam pravio zamak od peska sa prijateljima. Takođe, imali smo veliki suncobran ispod kog smo se svi zajedno odmarali. Moj letnji odmor u Crnoj Gori bio je savršen. Sunce, more, i prijatelji učinili su ovaj odmor nezaboravnim. Jedva čekam sledeće leto!
My Summer Vacation in Montenegro
Hello everyone! I want to tell you about my summer vacation in Montenegro. I spent a wonderful time at the sea. Every day I went to the beach. I loved lying on the sand and sunbathing. I always wore sunglasses and used sun cream. The heat was intense, so I often swam in the sea to cool off. One day, I decided to dive. I put on my snorkel mask and went into the water. I saw many fish and waves. It was amazing! When I wasn't at the beach, I went to the pool. In the pool, I swam and relaxed. The water was cold and refreshing. By the pool, I always had a cold drink and ice cream. On the beach, I made a sandcastle with friends. We also had a large beach umbrella under which we all relaxed together. My summer vacation in Montenegro was perfect. The sun, the sea, and friends made this vacation unforgettable. I can't wait for next summer!
Our second text will be in a form of a dialogue. Let’s read it!

A: Da li hoćeš da idemo u vodu?
B: Ne mogu odmah, moram da namažem kremu za sunčanje. Da li možeš da mi pomogneš?
A: Naravno, evo!
B: Baš je vruće danas, moramo da nosimo kačket ili šešir. Hajde da otvorimo suncobran i ležimo u hladu.
A: Hajde, izgorećemo ako budemo dugo na suncu. Ja ću naručiti hladno piće i sladoled, hoćeš i ti?
B: Može! Ležaću ovde na ležaljki i čitaću knjigu, možda i zaspim. Volim da slušam talase na plaži.
A: I ja isto. Ne volim mnogo pesak, svuda je, u šorcu, u peškiru, svuda!
B: Možeš da opereš pesak u vodi. Danas je voda baš lepa, nije mnogo hladna i čistas je!
A: Jeste! Juče sam ronila i videla mnogo šarenih riba. Danas sam zaboravila da ponesem masku za ronjenje.
B: Nema veze, imamo još četiri dana odmora.
A: Da, ovo je baš lep letnji odmor! Hoćemo li večeras otići u grad na večeru?
B: Da, možemo. Čula sam za jedan odličan restoran u blizini. Kažu da imaju najbolju morsku hranu.
A: Super! Posle večere možemo prošetati pored obale i gledati zalazak sunca.
B: Dogovoreno! Jedva čekam!
A: Do you want to go into the water?
B: I can't right now, I need to apply sun cream. Can you help me?
A: Of course, here you go!
B: It's really hot today, we need to wear a cap or hat. Let's open the beach umbrella and lie in the shade.
A: Let's do it, we'll get sunburned if we stay in the sun for too long. I'll order a cold drink and ice cream, do you want some too?
B: Sure! I'll lie here on the lounge chair and read a book, maybe even fall asleep. I love listening to the waves on the beach.
A: Me too. I don't like the sand much, it's everywhere—in my shorts, in my towel, everywhere!
B: You can wash off the sand in the water. Today the water is really nice, not too cold and very clean!
A: Yes! Yesterday I was snorkeling and saw many colorful fish. Today I forgot to bring my snorkel mask.
B: It's okay, we have four more days of vacation.
A: Yes, this is such a nice summer vacation! Shall we go to town for dinner tonight?
B: Yes, we can. I heard about an excellent restaurant nearby. They say they have the best seafood.
A: Great! After dinner, we can walk along the coast and watch the sunset.
B: Agreed! I can't wait!
The third and last text is about Montenegro, what to see and do. Let’s read it!

Crna Gora
Crna Gora je mala zemlja na Balkanu. Ima prelepe plaže i planine. Mnogo ljudi iz Srbije voli da provodi leto u Crnoj Gori. Evo šta možete videti i raditi u Crnoj Gori.
Budva je poznata po svom noćnom životu i lepim plažama. Tu ima mnogo mladih koji idu u noćni provod. Kotor je stari grad u zalivu. Ima uske, stare ulice i mnogo mačaka. Možete se penjati na gradske zidine i uživati u pogledu na zaliv. Iznad kotora je planina Lovćen. Tamo možete videti mauzolej posvećen Njegošu. Sveti Stefan je malo ostrvo sa luksuznim hotelima. Ovo je savršeno mesto za odmor i uživanje u luksuzu. U Crnoj Gori svake godine se održava Sea Dance Festival. To je veliki fetsival na plaži.
Plaže u Crnoj Gori su prelepe. Najpopularnije su:
- Plaža Jaz u Budvi je velika i peskovita. Ovde možete sunčati, plivati i igrati odbojku na pesku.
- Plaža Mogren je mala, ali veoma lepa. Ima čistu vodu i mnogo mesta za sunčanje.
- Plaža Bečići je duga i peskovita. Idealna je za porodice i decu.
Leti, Crna Gora je puna turista. Plaže su pune ljudi koji se sunčaju i plivaju. Na jugu Crne Gore možete posetiti peskovitu veliku plažu blizu Ulcinja. Noću, kafići i restorani su puni. Ljudi uživaju u morskoj hrani i piću. Mnogo Srba dolazi u Crnu Goru leti. Provode vreme na plaži, plivaju i sunčaju se. Uveče, idu u restorane na morsku hranu. Vole da šetaju pored mora i gledaju zalazak sunca. Crna Gora je savršeno mesto za letnji odmor. Sunce, more, i dobra hrana čine odmor nezaboravnim.
Montenegro is a small country in the Balkans. It has beautiful beaches and mountains. Many people from Serbia like to spend the summer in Montenegro. Here is what you can see and do in Montenegro.
Budva is known for its nightlife and beautiful beaches. Budva is known for its nightlife and clubs. Many young people go out at night there. Kotor is an old town in the bay. It has narrow, old streets and many cats. You can climb the city walls and enjoy the view of the bay. Above Kotor is Mount Lovćen. There you can see the mausoleum dedicated to Njegoš. Sveti Stefan is a small island with luxury hotels. This is a perfect place for rest and enjoying luxury. Every year, the Sea Dance Festival is held in Montenegro. It is a big festival on the beach.
The beaches in Montenegro are beautiful. The most popular are:
- Jaz Beach in Budva is big and sandy. Here you can sunbathe, swim, and play beach volleyball.
- Mogren Beach is small but very beautiful. It has clear water and many places for sunbathing.
- Bečići Beach is long and sandy. It is ideal for families and children.
In the summer, Montenegro is full of tourists. The beaches are full of people who are sunbathing and swimming. In the south of Montenegro, you can visit the large sandy beach near Ulcinj. At night, cafes and restaurants are full. People enjoy seafood and drinks. Many Serbs come to Montenegro in the summer. They spend time on the beach, swimming, and sunbathing. In the evening, they go to restaurants for seafood. They like to walk by the sea and watch the sunset. Montenegro is a perfect place for a summer vacation. The sun, sea, and good food make the vacation unforgettable.
That would be all for this beginner episode! I hope you enjoyed it! Don’t forget to find the transcript of this and all other episodes on our website. While you are there, check our free materials section. Also, follow our Instagram page: @learn__serbian (Serbian Language Network) where you can get informed about new exciting stuff coming out and maybe get a free gift soon! Hvala što slušate i vidimo se u sledećoj epizodi. Ćao!